Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Da ba de da ba da

I feel blue.
Life is majorly sucking at the moment.
I know I'm just feeling sorry for myself & making mountains out of molehills but sometimes a girl's allowed to. It's our prerogative.
I'm hoping things'll improve 'cause I hate feeling like this. No fun!
I think I just need to hear a few choice words & have some lovely cuddles & I'll be set.

Going christmas shopping tomorrow so fingers crossed that'll put me in a better mood. And then hopefully seeing the boy for some much needed quality time over the weekend. I can't wait. I really need him right now & honestly, I'm pretty sure he needs me too.
He just might not realise it.

Fuck this has been such a self-indulgent, moany post.
I do apologise.
Here's a cute pic to end on a high note: