Friday, 5 November 2010

Here we go again...

Once again I am going through some crazy, over-emotional phase. It must be hormonal. But whatever the cause it needs to stop now, even I am getting annoyed by it now. I just wish I could control myself & not fly off the handle or start weeping at the smallest of things.

And in addition to the ridiculous amount of crying, I also can't seem to stop eating. It's as if my body is preparing itself for hibernation or something. But instead I shall just be about two dress sizes bigger by the start of 2011. Undoing all my previous hard work & reverting me back to square one.

Maybe it's something to do with this time of year? I have no reason to be so damn emotional & as there is no actual cause as such, it's proving impossible to solve. Do I just have to wait & hope it goes away in is own time? Joy.


  1. SAD? I used to think it was bull but last year I really badly suffered from it so now I'm a believer :) Get as much sunlight as you can! and eat lots of protein...that's what got me last year as a newcomer to veggieness. And don't worry too much about the weight cos it's winter, everyone needs some winter blubber! But if you want some insentive then think of my mum's wedding reception? Love you :)

  2. Only just seen this message but it really helped, thank you sweetie pie :] Love you too xxxx
