Wednesday, 17 June 2009

You're a demon I can't face down

I have to confess that, for my sins, I am unwittingly becoming increasingly addicted to this year's Big Brother. No matter how hard I try to resist, be a bigger person, not get involved - I just can't. And then I feel almost guilty for watching it. And even more so for enjoying it!

I can try and be all pretentious and say that I only watch it for the social experiment elements and to learn about the human psyche but the truth is: it's really nothing more than shameless voyeurism. Every Big Brother fan in the land is a secret peeping tom. A curtain twitcher. A stalker.

I guess we just live in an incredibly voyeuristic society today. Everyone is so fascinated, almost to the point of obsession, by the ins and outs of other peoples' lives. You can't open a magazine, read a newspaper or turn on the tv without being bombarded by the newest sordid scandal uncovered by the paparazzi on whoever's currently top of their hit list. Why should we care where they went for dinner? Do we really need to know how much she weighs? Course we bloody well don't! But this is the age of information overload. We're so inundated by tabloid drivel, gossip and so-called 'exclusive information' that there's no mystery to anything anymore. And we can't get enough of it. Seeing some gorgeous superstar looking less than her best makes the rest of us normal people feel great. We use other peoples' lives to escape our own.

But is this a totally bad thing? I don't know. I've just rambled on with seemingly no point to this post.

On a lighter note, it's refreshing to know that you are never too old to relish the childish pleasure that comes from bubble wrap popping.

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