Thursday, 26 November 2009

Cry me out?

I am so ridiculously over-emotional at the moment it's scary.
I have cried more in the last few days than I can remember ever crying throughout my entire life. I can't control it. At first it was fine because I was crying at stuff that people could understand (starting with sob-fest that was Tony's funeral) but now I'll start bawling at absolutely anything. I've cried at adverts for pete's sake. Seriously is something wrong with me now.

It goes to the other extreme as well. My normally fairly-short fuse has been cut to the quick and I now fly off the handle at record speeds.

Whilst sitting on the bus on the way to see the boy the other day all I could think was 'please don't cry' and 'just don't shout at him'. I was forgetting the fact that I was supposed to be going there to comfort him in HIS time of need but nevermind, selfish heart & all that. Luckily, we were fine. I managed to go an hour & a half without having an emotional melt-down. That he saw. Truthfully, I almost cried after we had sex! But thank heavens I managed to restrain myself. What in the name of christ have I become? This isn't me!

I'm really really hoping this is just a phase. And not that I'm becoming one of those pathetic women. I'm so much better than that! And honestly, I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around me at the moment. Being a slave to your hormones is a nightmare.

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